Life is a design that belongs to you.

All it takes is an open mind, open heart and a willingness to do the work

I invite men and women into an elevated conversation on the complete nature of their reality so they can reclaim the power, purpose, and potential they are destined for. I love creating transformation through my astrology consultations, one-on-one mentorship, and energetic readings because I know what it takes to do it — multidimensional understanding and real-world experience.

Your Journey With Crystal

  • Hellenistic Astrology

    Are you seeking purpose, power, or fulfillment? Did you know that the treasures you seek in life have already been established by design? To find them, you need an accurate map.

  • One-On-One Readings

    Crystal Belanger invites you to ANSWERS IN TOTAL EFFECT. In this intimate one-on-one session, Crystal delivers a profound interpretation of the events in your life so you can move forward with purpose, clarity, and direction.

  • Grand Salon

    It’s a shift in the collective---that will take us to places we’ve never been, ready or not… Yet a divine order is at work, intricately weaving checks and balances, moving, however imperceptibly, into unity of purpose, meaning, and stability. Find out what’s in store in the grand design.

  • Energetic Mastery

    Love requires an energetic mastery of the self at the deepest levels. By mastering the feminine and masculine energies within, you can attract the man or woman who can bring the loyalty, trust, respect, peace of mind, and security you want — AND DESERVE.

  • Spiritual Mentorship

    Whether aiming for better leadership, navigating life changes, or tackling daunting personal or professional hurdles, Crystal Belanger, a seasoned spiritual mentor, is here to guide you.

It’s time to choose sovereignty over suffering.

As I turned fate into destiny, I received my true mission--- to help end the cycle of abuse and dependency in the world, which begins by ending self-abuse.

Whether one finds oneself playing the white knight or damsel in distress, we distort our primal masculine and female energies by constantly looking outside ourselves to feel whole and complete. How long can one stay stuck in the energetic pattern of giving to get? How much do drama and trauma animate our lives? How many times can we reject instead of receiving the love that we are?

Your life's design contains a treasure
of purpose, of power, of fulfillment.